Following a Knowing To Create a Life of Her Dreams With Cheryl Polote Williamson

We can often feel that we're stuck in a career path, or in a business, but what would be like if you listened to that internal voice, higher voice, (whatever you want to label it), and went with what we were feeling called to do?

It may sound crazy, but it's the choice that Cheryl Polote Williamson has made time and time again and that has led her to a pretty incredible life. Cheryl's not just an entrepreneur, but a best-selling author (15x), a producer, playwright, magazine owner, speaker, and so much more.

She joins Courtney and Erin on this episode of First To Arrive, Last to Leave, to talk about her journey, why helping women is so important to her, and what's next on the horizon of her amazing career.

To find out more and connect with Cheryl, visit: