Growing a Thriving Business While Working a Corporate Job With Nickquolette Barrett

Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Or in Nickquolette Barrett case, you can have your corporate job, a pension just around the corner, and a thriving business. Or as Nickquolette likes to call it, her Angel Investor.

Nickquolette Barrett is the Get Hired Strategiest, who first started helping people with their resumes so they could quickly climb the corporate ladder. As her clients continued to see more and more success, Nickquolette found herself in a bind where she had to figure out if she should leave her corporate job for her thriving business, or find a way to do both. She learned how to leverage VA's to help her grow her business, and soon she found another business opportunity, and a way to continue to not lose her pension.

Nickquolette shares her amazing story with us today and offers some great advice on how you can grow your empire without burning out.

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