Utilizing the Power of Community to Grow a Business With Christy Nelson

In this episode of First to Arrive, Last to Leave, Courtney and Erin are joined by Christy Nelson, owner of MakIt TakIt, a crafting company in Lincoln, Nebraska. Christy shares her journey from a blogger to several years later, building her own crafting store by offering parties, classes, etc to local creatives.

She also shares how her love for creating and helping others led her to launch her own camp where people from all over can come and hang out, and learn from some of today's top experts in the crafting industry.

Christy shares her ups and downs, and how she had to overcome landlord issues and find new space at a challenging time. She also talks about hiring, and how she has created such a strong community and customer base. She also shares some of her key secrets to growth!

To learn more about Christy and MakIt TakIt, visit: https://makittakit.com/

To learn more about Courtney's company, visit: https://purveyorsoffragrance.com/

To learn more about Erin's company, PodGrowth, visit: https://PodGrowth.co